
Showing posts from July, 2013

Hide 'n Seek (and find!)

"When the American people find out how their government has interpreted the Patriot Act, they are going to be stunned and they are going to be angry.” If you're not angry..."haven't done anything wrong"..."got nothing to hide" this.

Vigilante Journalism

Some day political  archaeologists  will dig through the ruins of America searching for events that led up to America’s Great Tipping Point: how the Rule of Law was replaced by the Rule of Feel. Hopefully, they’ll start by poking around whatever remains of so-called “journalism schools” as well as the several headquarters of the Main Stream Media, unindicted co-conspirators of Factual Obfuscation and Public Perjury which together constructed the popular narrative that conditioned the populace to accept adrenalin over reason: “I Feel” vs. “I Think”. The much-anticipated, pre-arranged, Government-sponsored, taxpayer funded hyperventilation of sloganeering crowds reacting badly to the unquestionably accurate verdict in the media-hyped Trayvon Martin - George Zimmerman show trial didn’t fail to disappoint those glued to the tube for the Evening Nooze. The One-Eyed God delivered with perfection a super-sized portion of mis - and disinformation and outright lies smothered in vitriol w

The Forgotten Founding Document

Over the decades I have known him, Robert Greenslade has done some of the best instructional  reserch on Constitutional issues available on the Internet. Here is his latest - and timely - piece...BW Every July 4th, America celebrates the signing of the document commonly known as the Declaration of Independence. However, there is another document, adopted a year earlier that, in my opinion, helped lay the foundation for the Declaration of Independence. This document, which contains some of the most moving words ever spoken by Founders, needs to be read and celebrated by every American who still values liberty. On July 6th, 1775, the Continental Congress adopted: A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms . The following was written by Thomas Jefferson: “We are reduced to the alternative of chusing [sic] an unconditional submi

At What Point Will America Get Fed-Up With Obama’s Constant Lying?

Here's some help  in answering the question...