My Man; My Vote

Maybe if I post it here, the phone will stop ringing, the mailbox will un-clog and everyone who really really wants to know will….know. Actually, I’m really excited about my guy! Can’t say I’ve ever been this stoked about a candidate! How could anyone not be? Unlike Trump, he has definitive, articulate plans for the future; he has never flip-flopped on essential issues of Freedom; his wife does not work for Goldman-Sachs; he posseses a dynamic personality and excellent speaking skills; my guy has a brain, respect for the individual and eschews making Judo hand gestures when speaking; my guy’s father was not a mailman. The person I’m voting for has always been courteous and responsive to my queries and honestly interested about my concerns for the future and my family. He has demonstrated fiscal responsibility, the financial discipline to run clean, efficient businesses; he respects the entrepreneur and importance of t...