A(nother) Warning!

" Hopefully others will remedy the error of silence and choose to speak out .” Anonymous In response and in harmony with the above plaintive exhortation, I offer the following as I am A. Nonny Moose, Too. While not currently a "senior Trump administration official", you will also hear [sic] a great deal from me and other highly-placed officials. But mostly from me. Like my alleged predecessor, it's the great upside of being A. Nonny Moose, Too. No one really knows if s/he/them or I actually exist. Kinda like the famed "Whistleblower", we just may be a pigment [sic] of Atom Schifty's oh-so-fertile imagination! Just sayin'… We read "… there is no better witness to [Trump's] character than his own words and no better evidence of the danger he poses than his own conduct…” . And there is no better way to distribute character assassination and general misanthropy either, than via the questionable attribution from Someone Unknown to So...