
Showing posts from September, 2013

Revenge Rape and the First Amendment

Long dead English playwright William Congreve penned the famous (paraphrased) line: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Thanks to today’s cell phone technology and wandering morals, we will see if the First Amendment’s “free speech” will withstand the latest furious onslaught from one Holly Jacobs (nee Thometz).

The Judge: On the Constitution and SCOTUS Losers

E very Thursday, as part of the Libertas Media Project  ,I am privileged to spend some thought-provoking time with Judge Andrew Napolitano, FOX News Senior Judicial Analyst, former NJ Superior Court Judge and newly appointed    Distinguished Scholar in Law and Jurisprudence at the Mises Institute. The pod casts of those conversations, "Judging Freedom", can be heard/downloaded here  and  here.  With his multi-media exposure, succinct explanations and passion for Liberty, he is easily the most effective spokesman for the Freedom Movement in America today. The following is not only instructive and informative, it gives a sneak peak into a forthcoming book the Judge is writing and will be out early 2014.  Judge Napolitano on the Worst Supreme Court Decisions   Judge Andrew P. Napolitano joined the Mises Institute in August as the Institute’s Distinguished Scholar in Law and Jurisprudence. During Mises University in July, Judge Napolitano taught what David Gordon describe

What’s “Common”? Whose “sense”?

I don’t know how many news consumers snacked on this AP morsel Sunday, but serious parsing is necessary to fully appreciate the "media message" layered over the political cow pie... US: 'Common-sense test' holds Assad responsible September 08, 2013 11:23 AM EST WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House asserted Sunday that a "common-sense test" dictates the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical weapons attack that President Barack Obama says demands a U.S. military response.

Another Levin Book

Over at friend Monty Pelerin's web site, , contributing writer Tom Lester penned a review of Mark Levin's latest scribbling: "The Liberty Amendments". I have little to no respect for such "Cure-All" screeds. The premise the Constitution could be repeatedly amended according to Levin's prescription and make everything honky-dory is supremely idealistic with a soupcon of childish belief sprinkled over it. As I posted in response to Lester's review: A few comments…

How many are you?

You Know You Are a Conspiracy Theorist If… You are capable of critical thinking. You distrust mainstream media. You like nature. You think it’s a good idea to spend the Friday after Thanksgiving with your family rather than camping outside Best Buy to get a cheap plasma television made in China.