Another Levin Book
Over at friend Monty Pelerin's web site,, contributing writer Tom Lester penned a review of Mark Levin's latest scribbling: "The Liberty Amendments". I have little to no respect for such "Cure-All" screeds. The premise the Constitution could be repeatedly amended according to Levin's prescription and make everything honky-dory is supremely idealistic with a soupcon of childish belief sprinkled over it. As I posted in response to Lester's review:
A few
reaction: when pigs fly. While there is little of which to strenuously object
on principle to Levin’s offerings, continuing the barnyard analogy, it requires
the foxes guarding the hen house to voluntarily abdicate their position of
extreme advantage a la Term Limits, etc. That very concept has been stifled to
the point of suffocation in all but a few states for the Lester’s stated “DC
career”reasons .
Add to that
the accurate observation noted in #6. With the goals of such a Convention
clearly stated, the “open-ended bureaucratic power” would produce reams of red
tape so as to bind to paralysis all such efforts and send them to the same
government warehouse featured at the end of “Indiana Jones”.
reveals an essential Statist allegiance with his allowance of the continued
existence of the IRS. All taxation is theft unless voluntarily paid by a
compliant citizen without the coercive force and power of the State. Otherwise
– in its form even under Levin’s suggested renovations, it is unequivocally
antithetical to Freedom, ownership of legally acquired property and the
“pursuit of happiness.”
in #8, Levin myopically focuses on Takings without so much as a head fake
toward the repulsive Kelo decision. As long as the State can levy Property
taxes, no property is ever actually owned but merely “rented” via the taxes.
Levin is apparently unwilling – or aware – to nail Leviathan on that.
Like many
talk show hosts, Levin has again tapped the format that ensures financial
success and popular notoriety: write a provocative book and have your fans buy
you onto the NY Times Best Seller list; a gaggle of pundits have been doing it
for decades. What’s missing from all but a few is any hope of their admirable
suggestions actual succeeding via implementation – beyond bodacious book sales
to a readership desperate for solutions to rescue our fading Freedom.
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