About That 'Gun Control' Thing

FB Friend Don Cooper posted this succinct and factual piece. If you are 'pro gun', his logical deliniation may come in handy. If you are of the 'anti-gun' group, you might want to read and consider this with as open a mind as you can muster. BW Even good people get emotional and do irrational things sometimes. Irrationality is a part of our humanity, there's nothing we can do about it. Some believe that's why guns should not be readily available to people. At first this seems reasonable but after closer examination the even more dangerous consequences become apparent. The first problem is that any laws restricting gun ownership will be enforced by law enforcers with guns. People just as vulnerable to emotional, irrational acts. Who's going to police the police? We see horrendous acts of violence every day by the king's men on unarmed people. Secondly, history has shown us that the path to tyranny is paved with an imbalance of weapons. First the s...