
Showing posts from October, 2014

The MSM - An Inside Look From An Insider

For as long as long as I have been "in the media" (9/6/65), radio, TV or print , the charge of "bias", specifically "liberal bias", has bounced off the walls of control rooms, studios, management offices and conventions. Serious interviews from serious outlets never let the question pass. So when former CBS veteran reporter Sharyl Attkission speaks - or writes an entire book about it - Stonewalled - it is compelling content beyond newsworthy which is why you likely won't read/hear much about it...with the possible exception of Talk Radio. Hopefully, "her people" will respond positively to my invitation for a "chat".... Here are some interesting reads you may have missed from the NY Post and ZeroHedge:

Good idea!

Friend and prolific author L. Neil Smith comes up with some great ideas. Sadly, too many are impractical, unworkable, politically impossible or - like this one - slightly hypocritical to Libertarian principles.'s damn good idea! Maybe something good could be made from it. A MATTER OF PRINCELY PULL L.Neil Smith The Libertarian Enterprise

Is Martial Law Imminent?

                                       In a recent appearance (10/6) on CBS “60 Minutes”, FBI Director James Comey was asked about the 12 American citizens fighting alongside the ISIS(L) terrorists: “With American passports, how do you keep them from coming home and attacking the Homeland?” Comey’s response:”Ultimately, an American citizen – unless their passport’s revoked – is entitled to come back…so if someone who has fought with ISIS(L)  wants to come back…uh…we will track them very carefully.” (FBI Agent sometime in the near future: “Sssshhh….we must be vewy quiet…we’re twacking AmericanswithpassportswhohavebeenfightinwithISISL Teworrorists!”)


There is a law of inverse political thermodynamics. Above a certain threshold necessary to free a social system from chaos, over time the more energy expended to maintain order by a governing body, the less order there will be. Government efforts to promote order often cause disorder, and in extreme cases, chaos. If the spending of governments around the world is a proxy for the energy spent maintaining “order,” then never has so much been expended in pursuit of that elusive goal, to such little effect. One would be hard-pressed to find a spot on the globe where order is not beating a full retreat. The Middle East and parts of Africa are engulfed in religious war, the ultimate chaos. Twice in the last thirteen years the US has tried militarily to impose its version of order and twice it has failed. Now it is trying a third time. Our goals are ill defined and contradictory and should we, by whatever definition we adopt, “win,” the political ordering we leave behind will no more li

Government Always Lies

My friend, Monty Pelerin, focuses on the current and increasing state of desperation consuming the Logic Free Zone, Washington DC. This is solid analysis (complete with examples) which leads the reader (or should) to a better informed state of awareness of our national condition. To what Monty writes: "Government always benefits from making conditions look better than they are."  I offer  its corollary:  Government always benefits from making conditions look worse than they are. Read the entire piece   Government Always Lies Read more on the immorality of Government at  The Pragmatic Anarchist

The "WTF?" Moment

In a recent “newsletter”, one of many that crash-land in my InBox each day, were the following observations: President Barack Obama said, in a speech at Northwestern University: "I am not on the ballot this fall … But make no mistake: [My] policies are on the ballot - every single one of them." The primary thrust of the newsletter was that this latest “Me My Mine” from the Narcissist-in-Chief was a big deal. Quoting a WaPo weekend piece from Dan Balz: "This is an election that is … very much about how people view President Obama."