
Showing posts from May, 2018

Prepping is...

There is an abundance of "prepping" pieces out there - from the Sublime to the Ridiculous. It's much easier to find a cornucopia of the latter than the occasional gem of the former. Here is one of those gems - especially appropriate for the Doubters and Scoffers. BW In 2010, 8.5 million tourists visited Syria , accounting for 14% of their entire GDP . Eight years later, they have almost half a million dead citizens, and ten million more displaced into Europe. They didn’t see this coming, because if they did, they would have fled sooner. Nobody notices the signs of impending doom unless they’re looking carefully.

(un) Happy B'day, Karl

Plenty of stupid ideas kill people. But one man’s stupid ideas have killed over a hundred million people. Karl Marx was born 200 years ago today. And despite the utter failure of his communist philosophy in practice, the cult lives on. Still people want to try again… this time they will get it right. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels originally published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. It laid out the beliefs and action plan of the Communist Party. The goal was to get communists of every nationality to rise up and unite to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors.”