
Showing posts from September, 2020

Smart Fighting

 T he state has forced significant changes to our lives which means we need to make significant changes to deal with it. We can't continue as if nothing has happened. We need to make fundamental changes to the way we live on a daily basis. It used to be fairly safe to go about your business in public by yourself but not anymore. New risks have been created by these political restrictions that make even going grocery shopping a potential crime. Millions of people all in the same place on a single day yelling, screaming, chanting, holding signs doesn't tax the state's resources, it accomplishes nothing except to give the people a chance to discharge their frustration. Their enforcers simply coral everyone and then abuse and arrest them. We need to start working together, going out in small groups, pooling our resources like an insurance pool, to minimize the risk for any one individual. Instead of ten million people in one place on one day, a million groups of ten everywhere,...

A Timely Reminder

Originally posted just a few months ago, the crumbling of society has accelerated, exacerbated by an aggressively emboldened - or increasingly desperate - MSM to mis- and disinform anyone attempting to pay attention via their "News". Feel free to share with your friends, especially those having trouble with discernment. BW When searching for the reason why things go wrong, stop when you get to the Media. The Media is our Teacher. It's the whole world's teacher.    Everything we learn, we learn from the Media. With screens, cameras, actors and glib, well-coiffed hosts, radio and TV signals, cable, microwave, publishing, the all-powerful Internet with its own 'social media', it instructs us hourly, daily, weekly, month in, year out. The classroom is anywhere; it's ubiquitous. Class is in session even when school is closed. The course are Obedience, Submission, Conformity, Regimentation. There is no 'graduation'. There is no individual achievement, on...