
Showing posts from 2018

The End is Here

Yes, the end of 2018 is only a few hours away. So before the cathartic Times Square Ball Drop, I'd like to thank everyone who ordered a copy of my "50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio." And a very special thanks to all who actually read it! And a boatload of mega-thanks if you actually enjoyed it! If you are among the deprived who hasn’t indulged in the side-splitting, table-pounding, structural damaging hilarity loitering in each of the 50 Stories, impulsively click the Instant Gratification link over there >>>

Now for something completely different!

Click here for the funniest, most compelling, interesting thing you'll read all year!

The Existential Threat to Gun Rights

Longtime friend, firearms authority and Host of Gun Talk, Tom Gresham offers a compelling look at the reality facing gun owners and the 2nd Amendment itself. The biggest threat to the right to keep and bear arms, as well as other rights, has shifted from the government to the private sector -- a massive change I doubt we are prepared for. Three items in the news demonstrate this corporate assault against, which we have little defense.

Attention Devout Statist

Consider: If man creates a "system" of governance then it's already unjust, immoral and economically destructive. No individual or even group of individuals can "engineer" how society should behave and live. It has always, will always result in the "engineers" having men with guns enforcing their will.

Civil War

More than a month ago now, Jack Minzey sent what was to be the final chapter in the long line of books and treatises that he has written over the years...  Jack died Sunday, 8 April 2018. Professionally, Jack was head of the Department of Education at Eastern Michigan University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the topic of Education and the Government role therein. His interest in Conservative Politics was exceeded only by his intellectual ability.   This is the last of his works. Civil War How do civil wars happen? Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you decide who's in charge. That's the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country?

The Big Reveal

With State Primaries hither and thither, the countdown to the Mid-Terms has begun. The Blow-Dried MSM Talking Heads and every cable and radio Talk show host is fighting sweaty palms in palpitating anticipation of the Big Blue Wave! Their websites have their Countdown Clocks posted and ominously ticking away. Idealistically or Most Importantly – take your pick - is the Honor, Honesty, and Integrity at stake, sworn to by those elected officials, tossed around like gaudy Mardi Gras beads in pious Party speeches the closer we get to November "E" Day.

A Short Note from the President

My Fellow Americans I'd like a few minutes of your time to address and clarify some of my comments in Helsinki that have caused such an uproar among Fake News readers, Deep Swamp creatures, and the heavy-breathers in both parties. It appears the source of all their exasperations and expectorations was my response to a question about Russian meddling: did I believe Mr. Putin's strong denial over the findings of the American intelligence community? That was interpreted as my siding with Vladimir Putin instead of the United States intelligence agencies. Was I? Let me be clear. Simply stated: Yes I was. Unfortunately, in that news conference setting, I didn't have the time or opportunity to provide a more fulsome answer – as I am going to do now.

The Firearms Uber Primer

Elementary Information About Guns For The Currently Uninformed For those of you new to the public debate about All Things Guns that perpetually appear after every tragedy involving firearms, this Uber Primer was written primarily for your edification, whether you are a mommy, daddy, guardian or teacher of school-age children. But most of all, if you are the typical (liberal) politician or reporter for the mainstream media, this one has your name all over it. All you have to do is pry open your mind and read...

Dan Ingram

On June 24, 2018, Dan Ingram died. He was regarded as the best Top 40 DJ of all time. Unknowingly and somewhat ironically, he was a role model for my broadcasting career. Despite being asked to write something for a tribute page. the following may not actually appear anywhere else. This degree of honesty is often too rare even for "showbiz" consumption! Virtually all of the comments about Dan's passing focused on what a wonderful guy and consummate professional he was. That wasn't the Dan I knew. But the story does have a twist... BW  Hello there – I'm Brian Wilson, of the nearly-famous Ross & Wilson Show (among others!) In January 1981, we were brought in from Z93/Atlanta to WABC from Atlanta to replace Dan Ingram in morning drive and hopefully play a part in the salvation of MusicRadio 77 WABC, the greatest station in the world. History has recorded how well that worked out, and In my new book 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio  coming out later this y

Short Take

Cut the crap. This "Immigration" expectorating is an MSM/DNC production. The "debate" is worthless. The facts are adulterized, ignored or omitted. This is simply Power Politics and the Media blowing crocodile tears into the ears of the unthinking Emotional and incapable of thinking Ignorant to undermine Trump and his swamp drainage. Which includes every one of them.

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Going somewhere? Anywhere? Watch this .

The American Civil War Is Underway

Note: Succinct and incontrovertible, this remarkable piece came to me circuitously; I was not familiar with the author, recently deceased.  However, t he prescient truth presented in this article is incontrovertible. I hope you find it as compelling and powerful as I did and will share liberally with friends as well as those with contrary opinions. - Brian Wilson Civil War How do civil wars happen? Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.

Prepping is...

There is an abundance of "prepping" pieces out there - from the Sublime to the Ridiculous. It's much easier to find a cornucopia of the latter than the occasional gem of the former. Here is one of those gems - especially appropriate for the Doubters and Scoffers. BW In 2010, 8.5 million tourists visited Syria , accounting for 14% of their entire GDP . Eight years later, they have almost half a million dead citizens, and ten million more displaced into Europe. They didn’t see this coming, because if they did, they would have fled sooner. Nobody notices the signs of impending doom unless they’re looking carefully.

(un) Happy B'day, Karl

Plenty of stupid ideas kill people. But one man’s stupid ideas have killed over a hundred million people. Karl Marx was born 200 years ago today. And despite the utter failure of his communist philosophy in practice, the cult lives on. Still people want to try again… this time they will get it right. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels originally published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. It laid out the beliefs and action plan of the Communist Party. The goal was to get communists of every nationality to rise up and unite to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors.”

Watch. Look. Learn (maybe)

About Syria...

Big Brother - RIP

Robert Craig Wilson, 77, a resident of Amherst, NH, died on March 22, 2018 at his home. He was born January 16, 1941 in Wayne, New Jersey to Robert Baer Wilson and Katharine Ann Greiner. He graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a BA in Economics in 1964. After graduation he joined the U.S. Navy, was commissioned in February 1965 and received his Naval Aviator wings in 1967. He married Nancy Howatt in 1972. Bob saw three tours of duty in Vietnam aboard the aircraft carriers USS Yorktown, Hornet and Kitty Hawk. In February 1974 he lost both legs below the knee in a flight deck accident on the deck of the Kitty Hawk. He retired from the U.S. Navy in August 1974 with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Another FB Exchange

In response to posting this piece on the Libertas Media Project Facebook page, I received the following:   Jeff A -   Are there enough honorable government officials that will act on the oath they took to be able to hold them accountable? LMP : Cynically - and historically honest - No. Because at its roots, Government isn't an "honorable" institution. Ideals and lofty goals notwithstanding, Government operates no differently than Organized Crime: a gang of thugs with guns who tell you how to live, then steal your property to fund the "protection and services" they allegedly provide. Just as with the Mafia, try telling them you don't need or want their "services". Aggressive Force - illegal and immoral - is the heart and soul of Government. How could such a fetid body attract anyone with honor? Even if it did, how effective could one or two be against the Leviathan that is Government?

The Evolution of Devolution

Judging from the cornucopia of commentary abroad in the land since the Parkland, FL shooting, there is a sudden and urgent concern for the status of our "society"; specifically "how the hell did we get here?" Responses have ranged from Woodstock to CNN, marijuana to internet porn, public schools to the NRA, NFL Instant Replay to Harvey Weinstein. While one might contend the above are inextricably connected in ways that could only thrill reclusive sociologists and myopic data miners, the answer and cure may have a common point of origin. Put another way: "chicken" or the "egg" is immaterial; the two may be synonymous! The Evolution...

Another FB Encounter

Commenting on the "national discussion" on guns... Poster: There is a lack of civility between Left and Right participants. The Right thinks we're "evil" with bad motives… LMP: The question of extending "civility" is antecedent to real or proposed actions of aggression and, ultimately, the violation of rights and subjugation of Freedom. Summarizing the Right's position: You can't hit people and you can't take their stuff. All other freely entered transactions are negotiable. Summarizing the Left's position:

Deep Swamp

These daze, if ya really wanna see the Big Picture, you gotta change your perspective. It's not gonna leap out your flat screen and smack you up 'longside your punkin' haid! Put another way: it's all out there. You just have to go find it. Here's an excellent example you probably didn't see but should have....

Yes, Virginia, You Can Own A Machine Gun

...and Other Gun Facts For The Newly Uninformed For those of you who are new to the public debate about All Things Guns that have sprung up since the Parkland, FL tragedy, this brief primer is for you whether you are a mommy, daddy, guardian or teacher of school-age children. Most of all, if you are a politician or reporter, this one has your name on it.

The Missing Link

And so it begins…another shooting, another school, another student with a grudge and a gun, another body count and another 72 hours of MSM 24/7 Redundant Coverage featuring the same cast of media, political, social media and law enforcement “experts” showcased on the Evening News with the tears of relatives and near-victims, sotto –voice anchor interviews of “how do you feel…?” and “what was it like…?”, surrounded by non-stop re-runs of every cell phone vid available providing it shows at least a whif of the Horror From Within. Once the essential Who, What, Where and When facts are announced (49 seconds, tops), more bloviating follows in the form of conjecture, idealistic rhetoric and hypotheticals mixed with predictable mis- and disinformation intended to fortify a political agenda. Out come the Same Old Same Old “solutions” that either violate the Constitution or other (HIPPA) laws or cost incalculable amounts of unavailable revenue and “political will”.

Happy Birthday, You Bastard

Lincoln was by far the most hated, despised, and reviled of all American presidents during his lifetime... Noted Lincoln authority and personal friend, Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo sends birthday greetings to the most unconstitutional President in American history. Yet, somehow, he get s a national holiday and the admiration of the very people he persecuted.

Now For Something Different

Facebook is a target rich environment for idiocy. Maybe that’s why it’s so popular. OK - That sounds a little elitist and condescending but OTOH, there just doesn't appear to be many MENSA candidates lurking there. Of course, from what experience I have had with MENSA candidates, only other MENSA candidates want to hang with them anyhow! Still, FB does provide a window on what passes for the soul of our fellow citizens. For that reason alone, we have ample cause for worry.

Bigger Problems With The Memo

Coups have to be complicated. To be successful, the “enemy” must be taken by surprise. Fail and the convoluted plot covers your ass from being discovered. The insurmountable problem is the Average Citizen, infected with Aggressive Ignorance, Contagious Apathy, addicted to Instant Gratification, is repelled by the homework necessary to reach a factual, objective conclusion. They demand an answer in 25 words or less. If it doesn’t agree with their biased opinion, they will reject it to maintain their comfort with the popular narrative rather than suffer cognizant dissonance. BW

America Cannot Be Conquered

The following was originally posted on my friend, Monty Pellerin's excellent web site: Monty Pellerin's World The lack of gun control, at least as envisioned by those who lust for more power and control, prevents this from happening. The “inconvenient truth” is that the legal personal possession of guns deters crime (see the  empirical work of John Lott ). But there is more to the story than individuals with gun permits attempting to protect their families.

Serious Homework

Here is an excerpt from a longer piece from The Daily Caller succinctly detailing the "Russia Collusion investigation" -- and a whole lot more, including an interview with former Special Prosecutor Joe DeGenova, who lays out in simple detail exactly what his "scandal" that has dominated the "news" is really all about. If you are sincerely interested in the facts and truth of this matter, you would do well to read it in its entirety -- including the 99-page government report.

The Vanishing Obama Presidency!

ONE YEAR AGO, Barack Obama’s presidency came to an end. His election as the nation’s first black president was a major accomplishment for him and for the nation. Time will never erase that achievement. But as time passes, this may be just about his only lasting political accomplishment; his legislative, regulatory and policy initiatives are disappearing rapidly. On domestic policy:

“…The Half-Truth, the Alt-Truth, and Anything But the Truth”

The above was lifted from the text of the new Oath of Office and Ethics swearing ceremony that will soon be required of every elected official and mainstream media reporter. I oughtta know; I wrote it. 2017 will be remembered by any remaining historians with integrity as a watershed year for the Government-Media Axis of Liars. With the surprise election of Donald Trump, the MSM (Mainstream Media) was publicly shamed by the revelations (courtesy of “alternative” news sites and social media) of their intimate collusion at every level of the Establishment, most notably, the inadvertent public unmasking of the Deep State.

This Just In (NOT)

From our “Clippings From The Editing Room Floor” dept.”, comes this face-palming story that begins: “The third trial of Cliven Bundy has ended in a mistrial. The prosecution failed to turn over documents that would have helped the defense.” Put more bluntly: