The Big Reveal

With State Primaries hither and thither, the countdown to the Mid-Terms has begun. The Blow-Dried MSM Talking Heads and every cable and radio Talk show host is fighting sweaty palms in palpitating anticipation of the Big Blue Wave! Their websites have their Countdown Clocks posted and ominously ticking away.

Idealistically or Most Importantly – take your pick - is the Honor, Honesty, and Integrity at stake, sworn to by those elected officials, tossed around like gaudy Mardi Gras beads in pious Party speeches the closer we get to November "E" Day.

The Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump Kabuki continues but with some real rancid meat permeating the news cycle. The Carter Page FISA Memo story has been in and out of the headlines for months. All the coverage contends massive revelations and subsequent scandals, the likes of which will shake the foundations of the Republic - regardless that, to date, only the scant unredacted portions have been quoted.

Devin Nunes has been teasing the yet unseen toxic content, appearing on several FOX shows demanding Pres. Trump unilaterally declassify the entire recently released blacked out Cater Page FISA Application. On "Tucker Carlson Tonight", he stated not only had he, as House Intelligence Committee Chairman, read all the redacted portions, but also that there is nothing of "national security interest" there; that the real "national security reason" for American Public is to see what the DOJ and the FBI has done to spy on the American people."

And then, quite inadvertently, in my opinion, Nunes swung the door wide open:

"It's our job as Congress to bring sunlight and full transparency to this."
Carlson pounced:

OK. Then why don't you send it to me now and I will put it on the air in the back half of this show.

I mean it. I'm dead serious. You are the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

That's when Nunes' crawfishing started. (See the attached link for the entire performance).

Yes. I'm not the one with the power. Now, hypothetically, could I go to the House floor, could I go out in my official duties and tell the American public what's in the rest of that FISA? I could.

However - I mean, you already see - remember most of the media and the left is against us and against it. They don't want the rest of this out. They want to keep this hidden. Can you imagine the field day they would have against me or of any other Republicans talk about what is now classified information…?

Because Nunes feared the media "field day" against him, Nunes threw the President under the bus:

But what can happen right now - how do we get this done is the president just needs to step in and declassify this. He has said he doesn't want to get involved, but, quite frankly, he needs to get involved in this. It doesn't involve him. If he would just declassify it, then we as Congress would have no problem coming on your show and talking about this declassified information.

Unfortunately, Carlson let him off the rhetorical hook but not without Nunes reaching for a change of pants.

Carlson returned from a commercial break to mention a text he just received remembering when Sen. Feinstein infamously read the CIA "torture memo" into the Senate record, knowing she knew she was protected by the Constitution's "Speech and Debate" Clause. Deven Nunes – or any Congressman or Senator - having access to the complete unredacted material could do the same thing with the same impunity.

Why not?

Why doesn't some fine, upstanding Representative or Senator do just that even without availing themselves of the protective wrapping of the Constitution? There's no death penalty or CIA torture applied for such making such a revelation. With the Public's focused interest in the matter (having been bludgeoned with it for months by the MSM), Nunes would be a National Hero!

The majority of our Fearless Leaders are attorneys and therefore "officers of the court'" with an "ethical duty to tell the truth". Since this memo allegedly "exposes terrifying abuses of our civil liberties", don't these attorneys have the ethical obligation to reveal the "explosive" contents to the Public, the victims of this abuse, regardless of 'media heat'?

Since these same leaders take an oath to " and defend the Constitution...against all enemies..." wouldn't arbitrary "rules" conjured by a publicly elected group be subordinate to their first sworn obligation to the Constitution, the Electorate and the Rule of Law?

Discuss among yourselves – or, better yet, with your Elected Representatives.


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