Two Parter - Part Two

Re: VDH's piece With all due respect to VDH, a man whom I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing on-air numerous times, in today's common parlance is just an "Old White Guy spouting the same So-Last-Century BS". That's not to say he doesn't speak from his deep well of great intelligence, experience, and perspective; obviously, he does. But only to the same choir of Old White Guys to which he belongs. Rest assured, Millennials, illegal aliens, and the government schools' Functional Illiterates don't read, listen, know or care. They are consumed with their Aggressive Ignorance, Contagious Apathy and addiction to Instant Gratification. As long as it's Free, hurts the Rich and screws the White Man, it's a good thing and they will support it. To read VDH's latest is to learn from his diagnosis: we (OWG) are outflanked, out-manned, and out-numbered. The Government-Media Complex controls the Narrative. The influx of illegal aliens, now in the multi-m...