
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Short Note from the President

My Fellow Americans I'd like a few minutes of your time to address and clarify some of my comments in Helsinki that have caused such an uproar among Fake News readers, Deep Swamp creatures, and the heavy-breathers in both parties. It appears the source of all their exasperations and expectorations was my response to a question about Russian meddling: did I believe Mr. Putin's strong denial over the findings of the American intelligence community? That was interpreted as my siding with Vladimir Putin instead of the United States intelligence agencies. Was I? Let me be clear. Simply stated: Yes I was. Unfortunately, in that news conference setting, I didn't have the time or opportunity to provide a more fulsome answer – as I am going to do now.

The Firearms Uber Primer

Elementary Information About Guns For The Currently Uninformed For those of you new to the public debate about All Things Guns that perpetually appear after every tragedy involving firearms, this Uber Primer was written primarily for your edification, whether you are a mommy, daddy, guardian or teacher of school-age children. But most of all, if you are the typical (liberal) politician or reporter for the mainstream media, this one has your name all over it. All you have to do is pry open your mind and read...

Dan Ingram

On June 24, 2018, Dan Ingram died. He was regarded as the best Top 40 DJ of all time. Unknowingly and somewhat ironically, he was a role model for my broadcasting career. Despite being asked to write something for a tribute page. the following may not actually appear anywhere else. This degree of honesty is often too rare even for "showbiz" consumption! Virtually all of the comments about Dan's passing focused on what a wonderful guy and consummate professional he was. That wasn't the Dan I knew. But the story does have a twist... BW  Hello there – I'm Brian Wilson, of the nearly-famous Ross & Wilson Show (among others!) In January 1981, we were brought in from Z93/Atlanta to WABC from Atlanta to replace Dan Ingram in morning drive and hopefully play a part in the salvation of MusicRadio 77 WABC, the greatest station in the world. History has recorded how well that worked out, and In my new book 50 Stories: 50 Years in Radio  coming out later this y