This piece will Short – which is Sweet – but you may find the message Sour. The War on Drugs is an unquestionable failure. Not unlike the America’s other never-ending wars. Also horribly expensive, wasteful, and tragic. Only Government itself has benefited by expanding its power, unconstitutionally overreaching into private lives and other countries. If Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness has any value to Americans anymore, ending this immoral, illegal, “War” is the only solution to the continuing suffering, damage and death that it produces. An increasing number of States legalizing marijuana is a good start. Not only has it eliminated freedom robing arrests for the petty crime of possessing or smoking a common weed, it has proven the world hasn’t come to an end as a result, part of the fear porn pushed by government’s early propaganda. Leaving the compelling arguments of the 9th and 10th Amendments aside, the logic of Free Will, Free Choice and Individual Responsibility shou