
Showing posts from July, 2016

Thought for the Days

The persistent existence of Liberals is due to their immunity to any infection of intelligence that will cure their Aggressive Ignorance. When faced with irrefutable facts, Liberals cling to their indefensible opinions the same way they ridicule Conservatives “clinging to their guns and Bibles”. The significant difference being Conservatives are principally motivated to defend their inalienable right to Life, Liberty and Happiness. In contrast, the Liberals’ minds are in permanent lockdown, thoroughly resistant to any reasoned enlightenment that threatens their oppressive worldview of entitlement to authority and power over others into subservience through unbridled, aggressive force. - Brian Wilson

Free Movie

Clinton Cash, a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book, has been posted to YouTube for all to view free just in time for the DNC. Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation.

The Doctor is In

The diagnosis is complete: the I’s have it. Laboratory results: America’s metastasizing societal insolvency is being led via the generational infection of the “Four I’s”: Igorance, Incompetence, Indiffernce and Indulgence evidenced by the following symptomatic warning signs:

Couple questions, Judge

Anyone following this site likely knows of my long-standing professional and personal friendship with FOX News Senior Judicial Analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano. We recently enjoyed a celebratory dinner toasting 4 years of "Judging Freedom", a podcast that has appeared on this and several other web sites. Today (7/21/16), the Judge published one of his popular "Socratic" pieces in which he poses questions that have answers that are - or should be - obvious to anyone paying attention regarding the recent inaction of the FBI and DOJ to indict former SoS Hillary Clinton.

The End is Near-er

Pull quote: "Being wealthy used to be a virtue worthy of widespread aspiration. Now it’s met with skepticism and derision. Similarly, intellectual dissent used to be embraced. Now it’s increasingly considered “hate speech” that must be banished from university campuses and their infantile ‘safe spaces’.

Consent of the Governed?

Mr. Higgs eloquently expands on one of my previous posts. BW What gives some people the right to rule others? At least since John Locke’s time, the most common and seemingly compelling answer has been “ the consent of the governed .” When the North American revolutionaries set out to justify their secession from the British Empire, they declared, among other things: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.” This sounds good, especially if one doesn’t think about it very hard or very long, but the harder and longer one thinks about it, the more problematic it becomes.