
Showing posts from 2022

20 Most Quotable Quotes - 2022

"Starting a Christmas tradition, here are the 20 Most Quotable Quotes - 2022"

Chicken Little Was Right

"What we're talking about here is a climate-engineering Manhattan Project... Why would our military brothers and sisters participate in this? Why would they contaminate their own families?"  - Guest Dane Wigington

How Corrupt Is a Corrupt Media?

"The media is unapologetically fused with the Democratic Party, the bicoastal liberal elite, and the progressive agenda."  -Victor Davis Hanson  

Help Wanted

"Certainly these are questions many Americans –even you - may have asked themselves and searched for straight answers from others with all measures of success!"

The Tipping Point

"If you had to describe the mood of the nation in one word, what would it be?"

American Dreaming

"The salient question: when will a sufficient number of fellow citizens get beyond the “Harrumph!” of redundant shock and awe at the corrosive behavior of the ‘ruling class’ and actually begin doing whatever necessary to reverse this course of pending national collapse?"

“No Ray, it was you.”

"If you build it, he will come."

For the Children - Again

 "What kind of parents enthusiastically consent to the “wish” of a youngster too young to drive, drink, vote or legally drop out of school but permanently alter their body for some trendy notion he or she would prefer, to be a him or her. Can you imagine yourself agreeing to that?"

Special Podcast Guest Don Williams returns...

"For the most part, we have a large enough cohort of the electorate that does not really want freedom, because that's risky."

Dear Don: Don't

Hey Don! Interesting times, right? I know – long time, no talk! But it’s not that you haven’t been a tad busy!

Analyzing the Midterms -- Guest Polster Fritz Wenzel

With the "Red Wave" turning out to be a "Red Trickle," listen to analyses on the Midterms from Pollster Frtiz Wenzel and Author Jim Bovard. These latest episodes of Something Completely Different  can be heard on Apple, iHeart and/or your preferred platform. Links below.

Hungry Games

"It’s a safe bet – assuming the current public school ‘reading for comprehension’ rate - you’re not going to invest 15 minutes of your life to read something as apparently boring as this. Who could blame you when the college football season isn’t over yet?"

Starting Line or Finishing Line?

  "Irrespective of the American political scene now resembling bad SNL skits, the curtain will come down when the final polling place closes. When the votes are finally counted and the winners announced, the curtain will rise again, revealing our new reality." 

The Polls -- Part 2 - Podcast Guest Fritz Wenzel

 "Behind the scenes, I think what's happening here is the polling be damned on the Democratic side. The people who are making the decisions there are ideologs and they want this abortion issue to be talked about -- these are the people who put up the money... and the people who put up the money are the ones calling the tune."

Their Plan - and Yours

"You can ignore the laws of economics, but they will not ignore you. Those laws, principles and forces have already been ignored; the consequences are what we are now facing. No puny mid-term election will change or stop the effects from imposing their destructive ways on your life, our society and the rest of the world."

Paul Kersey, Where Are You?

"What if there was a real Paul Kersey riding the New York subways right now? What if a Paul Kersey was cruising the South Side of Chicago or Buckhead outside Atlanta or Baltimore’s Inner Harbor?"

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Polling - But Were Afraid To Ask! - Guest Fritz Wenzel

"They'll [some pollsters] include more Democrats and fewer Republicans in their sample so no surprise the Democrats look better in the survey. The other factor that they'll do is they'll include a sample of all adults, or maybe registered voters -- they won't include a sample of likely voters."

A Look at What's Coming - Guest Don Williams

"I think the Declaration of Independence is the most perfect expression of the human aspiration in a corporeal sense... I think the Constitution is a waste of time and paper." -- Don Williams

Abortion? No Question

"The recent Supreme court decision finally discovered the Constitution's silence on the subject. It didn't find the long elusive "right" cleverly hidden, like Sasquatch, somewhere in the 14th Amendment where only Henry Blackmun and some other Supreme Robes could see it. Anyone able to read even badly will not and cannot find the A word, suggestion or direction anywhere in the Constitution."

Inertia In Action

"Don't you just hate rhetorical questions? Don't you just hate repetitive redundancy? I know I do. That's why it pained me to pose these two questions, and yet they are the most tantalizing, yet pragmatic and thought-provoking way to confront where we are today. -- on the doorstep to tyranny or annihilation. "

The Two and Only - Brian Wilson and Jim Bovard (Ep. 20)

  "It's sad to see how few politicians stood up against that tidal wave [after 9/11]. You had Ron Paul... you had Russ Feingold who was the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act. There wasn't much support for that. The Justice Department put up a website and it had a list of really bad articles... and I was happy to be included." -- Author Jim Bovard (special guest) 

Take the Poll! Now For Something Completely Different

  "As November inches ever closer, and as a way to introduce you to another poll I came across that exemplifies the impact of the Mainstream Media, educating Mr. and Mrs. John "A" for average citizen. They're the first cousins to the Sixpack family, you'll remember we featured in a recent Pod."

“Attack Against Democracy”! – How Cool Is That?

"Leaving aside for a moment the fine art of Projection, perfected and practiced by liberals everywhere, what is this “Democracy” they speak of and want so desperately to protect? In its simplicity, the question is almost embarrassing to ask, but nevertheless, Is America a democracy? If so, when did that happen? Who was in charge of the change? Why didn’t we get the memo?"

The Sixpacks Reply!

"Do you understand: all of this was caused by government and its deadly combination of individuals pursuing selfish ends to control American citizens? That their actions were mirrored in countries around the world – all with similar results – only compounds the felony indictment against those responsible."

An Open Letter to the Sixpacks

"Here are the important parts: First, those “news reports”? They’re lies. The Media lies. It lies by omission and commission. Mis-truths, half-truths and outright lies. When they don’t report something, the truth becomes a ‘conspiracy theory’ simply because they didn’t report it that way."

Becoming Paul Revere

"Today, the “Mainstream Media” has squandered all credibility. Serving as a shield for corrupt politicians – and their kin – it is managed by the 3 monkeys who hear, see and speak no evil of those of a certain political persuasion."

Could This Be What's Really Happening?

"Ever since that fateful raid, every Mainstream Media outlet, Cable channel, Talk Show Host, Blogger and Podcaster is trying to come up with the perfect answer to the question, WHY?"

Connecting the Dots

  "Well, whatever the answer to that may be, it won't be forthcoming before the Democrats and their allies in the Media have a field day spreading rumor and innuendo with all their usual mistruths, half-truths, outright lies, false news and so on."

What AG Garland DIDN'T say...

  "If you were able to control your gag reflex, what many are calling a big 'Nothingburger' came after four days of deafening silence. The vacuity of the statement was SO vacuous, several pundits correctly pointed out it easily could have been delivered promptly on the evening of the unprecedented events. But he didn't."

Pop Quiz! Now For Something Completely Different

 "Are you familiar with Humpty Dumpty as portrayed in 'Through the Looking Glass'? Are you familiar with his famous quote, 'Words mean what I want them to mean when I say them'?"

CDA: Are You A Victim?

Cognizant Dissonance Anemia (CDA) is the newest discovery of psychological dysfunction affecting growing numbers of Americans, sending shock waves through medical professionals and political experts alike. Some fear this trending disorder has the potential to become the very cause of the destruction of American society.

The Great American HARRRUMPFF

"The Blazing Saddles “Harrumpf!” scene provided the perfect visual analogy for portraying the embodiment of posturing, posing, power puffing, incompetence and hypocrisy all in one short, amusing scene."

Welcome (?) Home

"Britney Griner may not be someone you’d have over to watch the game, even though she’d be available after dodging 9 years in a Russian prison. But with or without intervention, is it an honest reflection of American society that we should celebrate her sentence because we don’t like her political views?"

Prescience or Paranoia? Time Will Tell

"Once upon a time, long ago and far away when I had a show on KSFO San Francisco, I told a caller who was asking about the possibilities of some Conspiracy Theory, that the only way we'd know is with the passing of enough time, since time is the sole arbiter between Prescience and Paranoia."

Our Green Future!

"But that is not half of it. For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels. These three technologies share what we call "environmentally destructive embedded costs."

Who Am I and Why Am I Here?

"I was fired several times. Entertaining the audience was always more important to me that following some playlist, especially when the next song sucked."

The Gruesome Twosome Prediction

"All this had me feeling pretty good about my newly acquired Crystal Ball. Since then, however, I've had a 'Call to Damascus' type epiphany, courtesy of published hints [that} the ignominious old Battle Axe Hillary R. Clinton is tuning up for a third mulligan."

America Becomes Oceania

"The Biden Administration has proven the old punchline: Denial is not just a river in Egypt."

Now For Something Completely Different

" Now For Something Completely Different " (h/t Monty Python) will attempt, in mercifully short gasps, to present and discuss Current Events and other issues from a (wait for it)...completely different perspective. Considering the 800,000 other pods vying for credibility and attention, this may be too great a challenge to take on with any hope of success."

Be Prepared

"Sounds like a conspiracy theory, doesn't it? But just researching the origin and purpose of that term is as much an indictment as a revelation. If this is all new news to you, make it your goal to do your own homework, your own research." 

The Covid Caper

"The entire episode is tragic. It produces some obvious questions, of which the following represent but a few: Why have the origins of the disease not been properly investigated?"

Why Aren’t You In Prison?

"Obviously, the Rule of Law, individual integrity, and the principles of the Founding Dads only exist in idealistic theory, in law school textbooks, and in condescending lectures leveled at you, me and the ‘other animals’ to keep us controlled as our rulers desire."

Great Minds...etc.

"It is personally and professionally gratifying to discover someone whose intellect you respect, by some route, has concurred with your point of view. When those conclusions reveal and impale the alleged integrity of the "Mainstream Media", all the better. When it is exposed on the country's most-watched cable show, even better."

Stupid is as Stupid Does

"At Waterloo (of all places), Napoleon is said to have said “Don’t interrupt your enemy when he is committing suicide” (or something similar, sinister and practical). With the number of Waterloos Republicans have created for themselves, one would assume the Stupid Party Elite would be up on their Napoleon quotes and apply them accordingly."

The Wizards of Woo-Woo

"Our our teachers and coaches were from Thailand. They called all these claims and flashy fighting “woo-woo.” Like 'you bring that woo-woo into the ring, you get killed.' And they were right."

The Other Mothers...

"There is no “Step-Mother’s Day” for the Other Mothers. But for those blessed with one, she should be given - she deserves - she's earned the respect, honor and celebration just as much for having given just as much. Maybe more."

Hard to find... harder to read

"The data to perform a proper analysis of the efficacy of the vaccine program(s) is not rocket science. Big pharma knows this drill. They perform it for government approval for all new meds. Yet data on the vaccines and their efficacy is unavailable, at least to the general public. Why would that be so for an industry (the medical and pharmaceutical industries) that live and die by data?"

Heavy Lifting Done Here

"There are no actions that can be legally classified as crimes or civil torts; there are no medical battery or homicide victims, or plaintiffs; and there are no medical batterers or murderers. Because legally, nothing has been done, and no one has done anything, to anyone else."

Carlin and Politics

“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government … doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety… It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.” - George Carlin

The Poison That We Read

Being married to a career Journalist is a real advantage when you are a Talk Show Host/Writer always on the look-out for trophy-size examples of poisonous propaganda disguised as “news”. True, the media landscape is littered with Fake News. But the truly deadly “stories” are those, like Copperhead snakes, that blend perfectly with their surroundings and strike when you’re totally off-guard. BAM! Another brain cell of Reason falls victim to the venom of lies, damn lies and prejudice. The most deadly are those that slither in without the fanfare of attribution; these reptiles have no name. Recently, she found this one: “Black Women Feel Sting of Jackson Hearings” Take a few moments to slog through this POS. I’ll be here when you’re finished throwing up…. Notice the “article” claims no authorship; just the ubiquitous “Associated Press” and presented by a TV station you’ve likely never seen. (“WCMH NBC4 is Local for You, serving as Columbus, Ohio's top rated source for breaking news…”

Is the Declaration of Independence Treason?

While reviewing the docs of the Founding Dads, I noticed something that caused consternation. After researching the written works of Experts way smarter and more educated than I, they did NOT provide a satisfactory answer. So what’s the problem? In our sacred Declaration of Independence, Tom Jefferson & Friends famously scribbled: “…that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”. Got it. Pretty straightforward for 18th Century Revolutionary Writing. Certainly, King G. didn’t miss the point. For the rest of us arriving later, nothing has changed. The Declaration has not been revised, re-written, abridged or PhotoShopped; no asterisks, footnotes, additions, deletions or addendums. If Government inverts and perverts its role and begins another “…long Train of Abuses and Usurpations”, it would be nothing less than logical, reasonable, imperat

International Fact-Checking Fact-Checkers

Check out one of Facebook's latest censoring methods   One might make a debatable case for literally censoring certain material, e.g, graphic sex or violence on publically accessible platforms – at least until society’s moral tolerance descends to greater depths. However, the evolution of what’s now SOP, has brought us the above: “Restrictions With Counseling Due To Lack Of Purity”. That any particular post failing to encompass every known or even conceivable “fact”, must be stamped with a Warning Notice or Advisory is yet another tell-tale step toward complete censorship. The ‘notice’ above was unique in one respect: the tag line ‘independent fact-checkers ‘certified by the ‘International Fact-Checking Network”. Until this ‘notice’ appeared, it had been only recently been revealed common ‘fact-checking’ was based on the personal opinion/experience of some Anonymous Fact-Checker. "...certified..."? "International Fact-Checking Network"? Is this an international

This Violates FaceBook 'Community Standards

  Prove them wrong...

The Silent Brainwash

Brainwashing is best accomplished when you have no idea that it is being done but simply occurs as part of the everyday fabric of your life. While you may "feel" that something is wrong, you are subconsciously being programmed nonetheless. Think about TV Commercials and everyday television shows and movies with these facts in mind. This is not racist, it is statistical data; verified demographic facts: US population 334 million consisting of 57.8% white, 18.7% Latino, 12.1% Black and 11.4% Asian or other. Then break that down to about 10% of all existing marriages that are interracial including those of all races, and only 5.6% of the population that identifies as LGBT. You would expect the same ratio's in TV commercials if they represented America but here's what you see instead, taken from a log of TV commercials over a 4 month period, which is quite different. For TV, white men as the majority of Americans have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials th

Claire On Kennedy

"I am now going to open the book in five random places and quote absolutely random passages I find on the open spread. Here goes:..." That is the "jumping-in" point of Claire Wolfe's riveting review of the nation's #1 Unknown Best Seller, " The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health " By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Like most great writers, Claire's unique perspective provides a view unlike any I have ever read. ( For professional reasons, I've read way more than my share. Unfortunately, few have compelled me to read or not read the tome I was holding! ) That last comment is mostly irrelevant to the larger point here, but I'll leave it in for snarky emphasis. The primary purpose of this post is to encourage you, with all the weight of the written word, to read Claire's compelling observations. Yes, also read Kennedy's best-selling indictment of real, living Modern Day Monsters run

Check Your Glass

ICYMI, read this first. ( Essentially, the author is enthusiastically suggesting positive Change is about to break out everywhere because the Forces of Tyranny are doing everything in their power to stomp Freedom into oblivion and enslave the world. Knowledge unleashed by Technology is going to provide the tools and energy to save the world. ) A reply...  A glass-half-full is also a glass half empty. What is your perspective? Your prejudice? Mr. Shurk states: “   Among other things, the vast smorgasbord of free information that has exploded forth during this Digital Age  big bang   has put all the traditional “gatekeepers” on their back feet... The evening news broadcasts, the late-night comedy shows, and the White House Press Corps no longer maintain an exclusive monopoly over what is newsworthy...” Unfortunately, size (still) matters. The total number of viewers of Tucker Carlson, readers of ZeroHedge, and listeners to Sean Hannity is a tiny fraction of the viewers of the Big 3 N


  Stop it. Just stop it. Stop making excuses.   We’ve gone from “a few weeks to flatten the curve” to fully vaccinated to see a doctor.   We’ve gone from “two vaccines to be fully vaccinated” to three, possibly four, five, six…   We’ve gone from “when we reach 70%, life will go back to normal” to 80%, 90%, 95%…   We’ve gone from “the vaccine is 100% effective” to not preventing infection, barely curbing transmission, and dwindling effectiveness against symptoms in less than 6 months.   We’ve gone from “the vaccine is 100% safe” to risks of blood clots, Guillain-Barre, myocarditis, pericarditis, and skyrocketing reports of adverse reactions on yellow card systems across the globe.   We’ve gone from “masks are relatively ineffective” to wearing masks when there is no active disease in the local community.   We’ve gone from “kids are unaffected by this disease” to promoting vaccines for 5-12-year-olds.   We’ve gone from “vaccinate to get back to normal” to vaccine passport