The Wizards of Woo-Woo

"Our our teachers and coaches were from Thailand. They called all these claims and flashy fighting “woo-woo.” Like 'you bring that woo-woo into the ring, you get killed.' And they were right."

Here is an entertaining, informative and compelling piece on the COVID 'plandemic' and the Wizards of Woo-Woo who perpetrated it. Even if you are beyond the Covid Crap, El Gato Malo writes a damn good piece for future reference. BW


"The “experts” were reared on woo-woo. they had never been in a real ring with real techniques and real people who came from spaces where you had to be right, not tenured and where nobody cares about your credentials or your shiny job title or kowtowed to getting grant moolah to run your study and have a career. they cared about whether you could impose order on data, make meaningful predictions, and support your claims in open debate.

The early clashes were telling.

I was astonished, over and over, when engaging with people who ran departments at universities and government agencies to find they lacked basic grounding in stats and often in science. many had barely read the works of their own space or done so so selectively as to amount to the same thing.

And the wizards of woo-woo did what they always do... (the rest of the story)  


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