Socialism and the Epidemic of Ignorance

The Big Debate among all the Brainiacs these days (Real, Faux, Wishful, Self-Anointed): Will Socialism and its Simplistic Sycophants be successful here in the bastion of (crony) Capitalism, America? From FOX to C-SPAN, WaPo to NYT, Conservative pundits pound the podium prognosticating "NEVER"! They slice and dice the Russians (of course), the "Chi-Coms" (Limbaugh varietals), Little Rocket Man, Maduro, Bernie and AOC with an admonition from noted political critics Rocky and Bullwinkle: "That trick never works!".

This is one of those rare occasions when Pundits R Us got it absolutely correct: the "Socialism Never Works" part. Never has; never will. At least, not in the sense of the True Believers and Newly Converted who stay up nights watching Rachel Maddow making Kool-Aide in giddy anticipation of its paradisiac arrival (see also Linus/Great Pumpkin, Santa Claus/Sack of Goodies). Put bluntly: there is no Freedom Fairy.

But for those jive-talkin', silver-tongued, lyin', connivin', manipulative scum out selling this poison door-to-door to children and those with child-like minds, their concept of Socialism appears to be coming along just fine! While mostly in its gestation period, the Podium Pounders are making great headway! With the litany of Spectacular Failures throughout history, how and why can this be happening?

As friend Gary Barnett writes: "Mass schooling guarantees a weak and compliant population, one that has lost the ability to think critically. It is an all-consuming addiction to mediocrity and an escape from excellence. No society can continue to be free and prosper under such conditions."

Famed economist Murray Rothbard touched on the answer: “It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.” — Murray Rothbard

Notice that Murray's wisdom is applicable to "Everything In General", also known as OWI (Opining While Ignorant). The eminent Tom Sowell ("Basic Economics,” “The Vision of the Anointed,” and lots more) recently stated, "…time and time again, people adopt willful ignorance regarding socialism’s track record around the world.". (Washington Times)

While not in the league of either of these brilliant minds, I can proudly say I came to a similar conclusion a few years ago, identifying "Aggressive Ignorance" as one of the four "new Horsemen of the Apocolypse" contagions already at epidemic proportions that would lead to America's Doom. In this case, "Doom" and "Socialism" are synonymous. (Come to think of it, in every case they are synonymous!)

In fact, Ignorance is the prime root of Socialism. Not from a mathematical standpoint. My amusing math skills bear witness to my inability to accurately attempt such an analogy. I am merely stipulating that the mind-boggling preponderance of Ignorance throughout the land, at all levels, within all demographics, has prepared the fallow minds of the "average" voting age citizen (and God knows how many non-citizens) to be irresistibly attracted to the Socialist's siren song of Free Stuff! Especially when Fed Gov will force the Evil Rich and Crony Corps to pay for it all from their exploitive and ill-gotten greed! Even those "Unwilling To Work" are winners! How can the BSD (Basement Snowflake Dwellers) Coalition not love that?!

Of course, rational thinkers and those who did not snore through American History .0001 know that "Land of the Free" doesn't mean what Bernie, AOC, Lie-Awatha, SpartaBookerus, and all their Snowflake followers want you to believe: voting for them – and their kind - America will finally become the Land of the Free Stuff! What the willfully, aggressively, terminally Ignorant don't realize: they're being played, lied to. Remember, That trick never works.

What do to?

Get woke!

 MOFA- Make Orwell Fiction Again!

Think while it's still legal!

Help find a cure for Government and stamp out Ignorance in your lifetime!

The Human race will thank you.


Brian Wilson


  1. It just seems that when the government is 'influencec' to take actions that are not within the scope of government, bad things happen. Consider 1996, when Bill Clinton and Henry Cisneros loosened mortgage requirements so first-time buyers could qualify for loans they could never get before. Or never should have gotten in the first place. Thanks to Bill and Henry passing around free and easy money for mortgages, we experienced the Great Recession. Now its 2019 and we have Demmy Crats trying to make it soo much better... Medicare for all, free tuition, the Green Deal. Better for who? Consider how the Republic of New York State will not allow a gas pipeline to go through NY because it might carry natural gas that was produced by fracking. NY really gives the frackiing finger to New England, who still heats by oil. Thank goodness for the wise caring state of NY by keeping that nasty fracked gas from where people could keep warm.


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