About This Virus Thingy

If you are honest everything you think you know about this virus comes from the media and the government, those two bastions of truth and integrity.
This is but the latest in a long line of potentially existential virus threats to humanity: bird flu, swine flu, HIV, ebola, SARS, MERS, Zika, west Nile, shit cant even remember them all.
Clearly TPTB are pushing an agenda. The crisis is the unwarranted panic, not the virus.

You'll find that although this virus might be more infectious, it is less severe than any of the other Corona viruses. So you get sick for a week or two, like with any flu, and that's it. And like with any viral infection, if one already has a compromised immune system or is too weak to endure it then it can be deadly but that is true for any viral infection.
Turn the TV off, stop reading social media and keep it in perspective. Check out private health organizations and what they are saying. The government health organizations are pushing the governments agenda and cant be trusted.
And for gods sake do not conform to government sanctions on your life and your liberty for the sake of this non-issue!

Friend Don Cooper


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