Nuggets of News

 Everywhere you look or listen, you’ll find your fellow citizens (and you, too?) complaining about the liberal news media. While Liberal vs Conservative has been argued in pamphlets and newsletters since 1776, the tone and content of ‘the news’ took a major turn with the arrival of daily newspapers, then radio and television newscasts. On June 1, 1980, Ted Turner and his brand-new Cable News Network, brought the world the 24-hour News Cycle. (I was privileged to be a member of the ‘CNN Original Cast’ that day in Atlanta). It didn’t take long for a gaggle of look-alikes to fill up the news consumer’s daily menu with everything from All News to All Sports outlets and every subsection in-between.

You would think such a cornucopia of choices would satisfy the most discerning news addict. But no! Like Baskin-Robbin, one has a multitude of choices – but they’re all ice cream. When sorting news stations by political content, one has the notably liberal ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR and cable outlets CNN, MSNBC, NY Times and Washington Post. Conservatives have FOX and the New York POST. Yes, there are a few ‘also-rans’ like NEWSMAX, OAN and other smaller, even less competitive outlets. This makes news content from the conservative or ‘independent’ perspective hard to find. The lowest common denominators are Everything Trump or Everything Else. That leaves a sizeable portion of the population with no clue about serious subterfuge taking place at the highest levels of government. You may know some of them.

But here is a bit of Good News many news seekers don’t know: the nuggets of news at YouTube. They’re not called that, of course. If they have a specific name, in my haste to get this out to you, I didn’t find it but no biggie. You can go to YouTube, type in “News” in the Search bar and you’re on your way! Here’s an example of what you’ll find. Down the margin, you’ll see a selection of similar ‘nuggets” of various subject matter which you can narrow down to more specific topics, political slant – whatever. The categories are endless!

So if you think, for example, the Republicans are doing their fair share of ‘in your face’ confrontations with Democrats, if you want to see Jim Jordon tap dancing on Sec. Mayorkis about illegal immigration, the a boatload of nuggets right here. If you’re a (rare) fan of Congressman Adam Schiff, you can find a collection of flattering gems here (NSFW!). Catch up on all the Congressional committee meetings. When you’re finished, relax with one of these!

That’s it. Just a little something to make your browsing time more productive. If you already knew about these condensed news bits, share this with a friend who doesn’t. Political faiths aside, there’s something for everyone – even the Agnostic (Independent) or outright Atheist (Anarchist)!

Be sure to catch the next episode of “The Two and Only” with my compatriot, best-selling author and investigative reporter, James Bovard. Hit the Subscribe button and you won’t miss a syllable!


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