Vaca: Over - Return to your assumed position

Why don't we have 50 weeks of vacation and work 2? You know -- like Greece?

The Benghazi scandal could - and should - blow any time now that the True Facts are known. They're just not known by everyone.

Bestselling author ("The Amateur") and totally credible journalist (Newsweek, NYT Magazine), Ed Klein, says Hillary has Obama's re-election in the palm of her hand because....

As occasional guest Monty Pelerin writes:

"Ah, the wonderful underworld of politics! For politicians, it doesn't matter what is good for the country. All that matters is how they can personally benefit from handling or demagoging an issue." Ditto the Lame Stream Press, MP. I interviewed Ed Klein when "The "Amateur" was released. He is not shy about stating the facts. With credentials of a seasoned and credible journalist, his reporting on this story alone should be more than sufficient for his former colleagues to ask the question of any Democrat in/out of office. Relentlessly. Let's see if the dogs bark this time.  

One question in the Clinton strategy:: How does the revelation of complicity in a cover-up count as a qualification to become President?


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