by Tyler Durden on
06/11/2013 - 12:45

you have noted in your life, as we have in ours, that
denial is often
the preface to justification. For the citizens of our country there is
no justification, no national security assertion, that will dissuade us from the
premise that our current government, in listening to every phone call and
reading every transmission on the internet, is violating the fundamental
Constitutional rights of American citizens. As Americans we should say, “You
have overstepped your boundaries Sir.” Citizens should stand and state, “No one
has given you the authority to spy upon me and my fellow Americans and that you
are violating the Constitution in this exercise and it should cease
immediately.” It should be said to a Democrat. It should be said to a
We should say this to any man that has undertaken to pervert the
rights that we have ascribed to ourselves in the formation of our
government. This is where we should stand and we should make our
voices heard to the best of our abilities.
H/T Tyler Durden. Full article here: Zerohedge
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