Friday's Inconvenient Questions

What  if December 21 is just another day?
What if it isn’t?
Why are Republicans such political wimps? Where are the guts of the GOP?
Who is the Republican version of Debbie Wasseman-Schultz? Chuck Schumer? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? 
Could an atheist or agnostic become President?
If you know something very wrong is happening in America, what are you doing to fix it?
If you’re a Union member, how do you justify the violence of your Brothers in Michigan? What is your problem with Free Choice? (No “talking points” allowed)
Do you say “I think…” or  “I feel….”? Why?
Name your best unique, affordable, available Christmas present? (Key word: unique).

Take your best shots in the Comments section!


  1. What if December 21 is just another day? Then the status quo continues!

    What if it isn’t? Then I'lll be playing a lot of video games with my son then making love with the misses.

    Who is the Republican version of Debbie Wasseman-Schultz? Chuck Schumer? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? C all of the above, I group globalist together wether they have a D or an R by their name.

    Could an atheist or agnostic become President? Isnt Obama both? (just kidding)

    If you know something very wrong is happening in America, what are you doing to fix it? voting for Ron Paul, and running for Toledo City Council.
    If you’re a Union member, how do you justify the violence of your Brothers in Michigan? What is your problem with Free Choice? (No “talking points” allowed) Unions are for people who need them and cant represent themselves.

    Do you say “I think…” or “I feel….”? Why? No it makes people ignore you!

    Name your best unique, affordable, available Christmas present? spending Christmas with the family, because its better than any material object and its free!

  2. So many questions ....

    If I were a cynic, the December 21st question would require a 'Thelma & Louis' answer. We appear to he hell bent on going off the cliff and arguing about the speed. Someone needs to step in and turn the car around.

    Questions two and three are trick ones. The answers coming out of D's & R's are often indistinguishable. The two parties talking heads are bobble-heads and those heads appear to be inter-changeable.

    No an atheist or agnostic could not become president (at least, not a practicing one). President Obama's vague and confusing belief system has certainly taken us one step closer however.

    Stating the truth in public as clearly as I can, and banding together with others that seek to change it, as only small groups of committed individuals have.

    There is no justification for current union behavior, nor the tacit acceptance of it by politicians afraid to lose their endorsements.

    Trick question again. I was taught better than that by someone who will remain anonymous, but whose initials are Brian Wilson.

    Man, another trick question ... that's getting sneaky. If I published my choices on unique affordable Christmas gifts, market forces would play out and they would soon no longer be unique, affordable, or for that matter available. As for spending time with the family, it's always great as long as one remembers the 'Benjamin Franklin rule on guests'.


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